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Blog - Writing

Writing and Bringing Stories to Life

This book ‘A Ship Captain’s Daughter’ is inspired by my own life experiences, travel and dreams. It is also a story I meant to write at 15. I got caught up in life - going to college and many other things, and thought I would write the book later. I was a good writer then - on point. I hope that in the delay and time that passed, that I still offer you something of value to read, something that you enjoy and inspires you, makes you laugh, entertains you and teaches you something…I hope it is a book you will cherish and you will want to know more about Ana and her adventures!

I have many ideas for new stories now. I am finally able to think and act like I did before, without restriction. It is truly such joy. Writing and art itself offer avenues for creation that go beyond human limits. We change, we age, and we experience so much in life that alters us and affects us — but I think the ability to create only gets more refined over time!

Since I was very little, I’ve always loved seeing the rugged faces of men who loved to sail in their free time and have experienced so much in life. I am very drawn to resilient people who love adventure, are very intelligent, resourceful, handsome and self-sufficient. There is something remarkable about that, especially when an individual is kind hearted and genuine. I want to draw them and depict them for you as they are. Rare as they may be, these individuals make you want to be more in life! I hope to bring such characters to life for you so they inspire you too, as they do in my heart and mind.

Leadership: Humility and Courage

Just some thoughts and observations I have had lately.

Humility, I think, is essential to leadership. It is based in real confidence and inner strength. It’s self-effacing and respectful, not meek. It’s gentleness - a choice. It’s accepting people and situations as they are, and then going forward! That acceptance helps people relax and feel welcome and share. It’s such an amazing thing to see in action. When you are humble, you listen better and you think of the whole picture, while still guiding your vision forward. Humility has a spiritual dimension to it.

It feels natural, but thinking about it I find, brings a greater awareness to it and it’s in sharp focus! When you come from that space, you can really bring people together and achieve many things. Jürgen Klopp , the amazing coach of Liverpool’s soccer team, not only does this, but he makes the whole process fun! : D There’s so much energy and joy in that! It helps me and maybe this can help you too. My dad did that and a few of my friends’ dads do that too. Wonderful stuff! I am going to aim to do that more now.

My latest observation is this: Courage is at the heart of all virtue. It's the crown jewel! You need courage for everything. : D