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No Limits

I don’t believe in limits. Reach as far as you can. :)

Life Can be Unexpected. Press On.

Life is full of unexpected events. Planning can make a lot of things work well, but you can face unexpected obstacles in life that you are not prepared for such as an illness you or someone you love, gets; the death of a parent or loved one; a job loss or change; accidents; or even bigger geopolitical and regional events that affect you.

Lately, I have realized how important it is to do work you love and to be around good people. When I say “good people,” I mean people who have good intentions towards you and are striving to be better in their own lives. No one is perfect. The company you keep (in person, online and on the phone) however, has a HUGE effect on your personal well being, the decisions you make or don’t make, and the life you have.

I believe in independence and self-reliance a lot, but also know that we are social beings and we need good interactions with other people to feel connected, loved, valued and part of a larger community.

When you take the initiative to create something new, you can face opposition at times. Every person who ever achieved anything worthwhile in his or her own life, has faced this on some level. Everyone has opinions, but it is a much smaller set of people that actually follows through on their ideas and makes them happen.

Be one of those people. :)

Instead of waiting for approval and social acceptance, try starting it out. You will find out soon enough if the idea holds and if you can do it or not. Just the action of starting helps free you up to grow.

As they say, “If you aren’t growing, you are dying.”

Each individual grows at a different rate. If things are easy for you, don’t rest on your laurels and stop growing. Press on. See how far you can go! Society needs people who really explore and expand themselves enough to be all they can be! It is inspiring to see and helps other people have the courage and confidence to go out and achieve their best.