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Creating a Life You Love and Being an Awesome Human Being

What's the best thing you can do to create a life you love? Pick and choose. 😊❤️ That's what I think... You decide what's important or not, what to keep and what to let go of. At any time, you can free yourself.

What separates us from animals in a BETTER WAY? They are better at most things than us. They will survive in the wild better than us, be cleaner and less susceptible to disease. What then are we human beings actually good at? What makes being a human being special and of value?

To me, it is three things:

  • the ability to create

  • the ability to communicate (and share stories and experiences with generations before and after)

  • the ability to care and love beyond ourselves and to be a steward for the vast resources and life on this planet

Then being a human being is actually awesome. ❤️