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May is a beautiful month - one of my favorites. Spring is in full bloom and it is energizing and joyful in many ways.

May is also a month of many good memories for me since early childhood and more recently as well. My beloved dog Rosie who I adopted from an animal shelter was born in May (although we had to guess what day) and also passed away in May.

She was such a beauty and joy in my life and in the lives of so many. A guy on Church Street who I'd see almost every day, asked me a few days after she passed away, "Where's your yellow ghost?" I did feel lost at the time; I was so used to her being right by my side.

Dogs are like little children but unlike human beings, they don't ever lose that innocence or sweetness as they grow up. They also depend on you their entire lives because that is the society we live in. They are in many ways, forever your children. Our beloved Rosie was not only affectionate and loyal, but she also had a grace about her and a good streak of naughtiness, which I must admit, I got a kick out of and encouraged.

I think sometimes about words and how much people talk and communicate and yet, miss each other or spend time arguing about pointless things - never really "communicating." It seems more often a power struggle than genuine understanding or sharing. I think about Rosie who never said a word but listened with big wide eyes when I spoke and showed more love every day than any human being I have ever known and I know several beautiful good people. She said so much with so little.

It's an amazing thing that you can have a puppy and she grows faster than you, is wiser and so breathtakingly beautiful. She goes from being your child to being your teacher.

She's in my book so you'll hear about her if you read it. :)

Here are some pics.
