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This is the best year in my life since I turned 6, the year my beloved papa passed away... I have had many wonderful moments since but it is only now that I feel like the same person I was back then. :)

Life still has its challenges and obstacles, some I've caused and others vestiges of previous choices and associations (mental or physical) I accepted or allowed. The wonderful and most liberating thing I have discovered is that once you release yourself from a mental association, everything else dissipates. It always starts with the mind.

I am a very loyal person but I have been loyal to people that do not have the honor and integrity necessary. I got lost there and accepted poor quality and fickleness. Some have even been cruel. For someone like me, letting go is the most liberating thing in the world!

I will always be happy to help but I respect myself enough to set boundaries. I also see things more clearly now.

My goal was to be as honorable and good as my beloved father and as generous and welcoming as my mother. Still work to do but I think I am on the right track and happy and free as I once was with genuine friends. Yay!!

I realize I can be happy and good at the same time with boundaries and achieve like I did as a kid.

Saying this frees me. I hope it frees you too. :)

What happiness awaits?