Idea Lab and Growing
I see this blog as an idea lab, a place to experiment and to share ideas.
A while back my mom was encouraging me to be a professor. I have been asked a few times to do this by professors and faculty at schools I went to. I think maybe in the future I will - when I have achieved something! Ha, maybe sooner. :)
So really I could do it sooner if I figure out what. So maybe I will! : D
What to teach? That's a good question. :)
One thing I could teach now is design thinking. I would want to apply it to science and engineering like at NASA. That's the best application. Another could be with electronics at MIT or cross-collaboration with the physics department at the University of Manchester. In business, there are SO many applications - I can't possibly list them all here. :) But working in that capacity could be very rewarding, both in what you create and learn together. It can go from apparel and footwear to software and product applications....Really, design thinking opens so many doors! I like that. :)
One idea is a class where we create things - so it would have physics and design in it, but also some computing aspects. At the end, you'd have something you'd made - a working prototype. We could build planes or spaceships. I love transportation. :) Another class would be exploring physical spaces and learning about them in a hands-on way while also exploring their history visually and discussing it. We come up with solutions to existing problems in the world. I want education to be more engaging, more challenging and open to experimentation where you really grow and also where you are not bored, where you actually create something and something that's accelerated enough...
Classrooms of the Future...
I always picture it in kind of a sci-fi way where classes are being beamed like holograms but somehow still have the closeness and intimacy of a one-on-one conversation. Perhaps it is like the hologram in Star Wars: A New Hope where Luke sees Leia for the first time and even though he's viewing a recorded holographic image, he feels close to her, connected and engaged. The main difference would be that it would be an interactive conversation. Some aspects could be prerecorded.
I guess that's where online education is headed. Skillshare and others are offering education for skills that you used to need a job or 7-10 years industry experience to get, accessible. It's unlocking things in a way. I like that. :)
These days as I design and work on something visual, other ideas for my book pop up. They go together.