I am inspired by a lot of people...My favorite athlete though is Steve PreFontaine. I relate to him.
About ten years ago, I took a little road trip and visited my brother. It was in the middle of winter and I hunkered down to watch a movie in his den. He's always had a nice den - his own little bat cave. : ) He told me that I reminded him of an athlete, Steve PreFontaine and told me I should watch a movie about him. I nodded and forgot about it.
That night I could not sleep so I watched some telly. There was a movie Without Limits about a runner from Oregon. I got engrossed in it immediately. Fine acting by Billy Crudup and others.
The next morning, I rushed to keep up with my brother before he left for the day. We went out for coffee and I told him excitedly about the movie I had just watched. He nodded, drinking his coffee and said, "That's the one."
Here's Billy Crudup in Without Limits.
It was so inspiring and galvanized me. It was exactly what I needed to see. : ) Just even writing about it now lights a fire in me.
Here are some photos of Steve PreFontaine.
These words he said resonates deeply with me.
"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift."