The more I travel - and I do love to travel - I realize how amazing a place America is. Perhaps an outsider POV helps or just stepping away.
There are several compelling places in the world with genuine, hardworking and earnest people who inspire and capture your soul. I feel this way in Ireland where I am currently. : ) I've only just arrived so there is much to explore. I already love what I have experienced so far. There's a magic in small places - a fragile yet resilient quality in people, which makes independent thinking even more attractive. I like the people I've met here very much. We connect. : )
Travel opens the mind and the heart. What I find most inspiring though is the renewed energy it provides instantly and a new perspective. We are all so much more connected than we may realize on a daily basis. The Internet has a lot to do with bringing that awareness alive.
But I realize at home, we have a lot of opportunity even with the economic recession of 2008 and the "news" we're assaulted with every day. There is so much bickering going on these days that it can be hard to see that. These opportunities are different from two generations ago but they are still there. That's something to be happy about. That's something to be thankful for and to fully appreciate.
If America did not exist, I'd have to invent her. That idea that anyone can achieve and go upward if he or she desires and is willing to do it is a powerful one. It inspires to action. Our country is far from perfect but that democratic ideal inspired by Rousseau and crafted by our Founding Fathers, is incredible. The settings have changed but we still have the systems and a stable enough structure that you can do many things. For example, you can build a company that employs people worldwide and scales up or down as you see fit. It's a place where artists have genuine copyrights and their work is protected. There's a tremendous amount of work involved, but It's a place where you can genuinely make an impact worldwide. Some things here are just so much easier than elsewhere. What about the land itself with breathtaking landscapes - so awe-inspiring? And most of all, the generosity of spirit prevalent in so many people - ones you know and others you just know exist. There's comfort and solace in that and there's also hope and understanding.
Change is happening worldwide at an unprecedented rate and there's a lot we can learn from. There are many people eager to learn and grow. If we can bring that spirit of eagerness back, that would be tremendous. When we start with appreciating what we have, strengthening that and encouraging the great talent that arises or moves here, we will create amazing things and we'll have much to be happy about.