Education and Mastery
Hello hello! It's been a while. How have you been? :)
Today I thought I will share some thoughts on education. I've always had an interest in education. It's not the institutions or people, but just the actual love of learning. :)
I've been fortunate to have a great family and my mom put a lot of emphasis on learning for both my older brother and me. As I get older, I am really grateful for that.
I have actively chosen to learn things I care about and am curious to know more about. My mom has supported me in this. It's really helped me.
Earlier on in life, I had made some poor choices in companionship that held me back, but my love of learning and my family always rescued me! I am grateful for both. :)
When I was 21, I gave away part of my inheritance to help build some schools in Asia. It just seemed the right thing to do at the time. I felt lucky for what I had and there are so many people who don't have that. I wanted to share what I had been given.
In recent years, I have been concerned when I see what education college graduates are receiving here in the United States. It seems so inadequate and not preparing them for life well enough. In Europe and in Asia, they put such an emphasis on actual skills that their graduates are coming out able to apply themselves in a more skilled way. It is a more specific approach. Each approach has its merits, but I find the lack of mastery in American education deeply disturbing. This seems to be a growing problem in many areas.
Since last year, I have been working on an incubator for high school students who want to start a business. It is a pilot program supported by a couple of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs. It's the kind of thing I would have loved at 15! Less boredom ---> you can actually see your idea made manifest!
This year we are going to push it out and see what happens. :) We'll have more details in the months ahead on our Elf agency site I am very hopeful in other areas too.
One thing I have learned in life is to accept people as they are and not try to change them. The great thing about working with young people is their zest for life! It is wonderful to help someone be all they can be. That drive though ----> that is internal. They bring that on day one!