School and Learning
I have been to a lot of school. : ) I like to learn. But my schooling has been in parts. My mother would have preferred to have sheltered me as much as possible. She did. But some things were beyond us, like my father's early unexpected death when I was five.
We moved when I was a kid and I was quick to make new friends, but I never felt the closeness that I had as a very young child. I realize too that had more to do with the joy at home than anything in the external world.
I had tutors as a kid in languages and music. My mom is very gifted in music and that trait's passed on to my brother as well, although she's got the ear and the voice to match! There's a grace in that and I long for that when I meet new people. She's got a yearning for something bigger... I long for them to understand that as well - to have the yearning inside themselves to be bigger than they are and to know and experience the world in a bigger way. I love that when I see that in someone. It is not in any way limited to music. It is a desire to be more, to know more and to feel more.
When I went to my first college, Emory, I chose the school because I could go home on the weekends. Later, I studied abroad several times and I went to school for film and for literature. But the thing is, I found that most of the teachers were just "okay" even at the best colleges. Some of these are considered the best in the world...
It is not very inspiring when your teachers are not bright. It is not good if you are smarter than your teachers. So I found other ways by learning what I wanted to learn and making my own curriculum. If I had stayed at Emory one more year, I would have graduated with three more degrees - in biology, Spanish and literature. I decided to graduate on time with my class...
You know the thing about film school is you get to shoot on location. I went to school in Prague so I could do that. That was fun and quick immersion. I wanted to learn how to shoot my own film and I did exactly that. It was great to learn by doing, which is really what film is all about. You can watch as many movies as you want and analyze them ("Cinema Studies") or you can go and create. I prefer the latter. School in Prague was terrific for that. There was a music school nearby and I got two fantastic students to create and record a track for the short movie. I loved the possibilities inherent in creating a film that brings together talent and resources to meet your vision. I was very focused when I came and I got what I intended done, although I caved in a few times on things and people I would do very differently now. It gave me a taste of what directing is like and I loved it. :)
Later, I took film production courses while I worked at the University of Vermont, ran my own business and went to Middlebury's Breadloaf school. I like to be active, can you tell?
Film, like design and writing though, is really about creating and mastering your craft. You do that by actively creating, experimenting and learning. With film, you work with and rely upon others so it is best to have some experience with that.
I have not yet finished my Masters in Literature at Oxford. I did enjoy going there a lot. I will probably go back and finish my degree. It is a wonderful environment and a place genuinely dedicated to learning, which is so terrific. But I also think that writing a book, which is what I love best, is not something that can be taught. In grade school, sure, you got to learn your grammar and you learn that in school. But I read most of the books that people read in grad school when I was ten years old. I love literature and I have craved having people to talk about it. But as I have found in life as in most things, the people who I am most inspired by, are busy doing things instead of just talking about it. In terms of literature, it would be writing books instead of just talking about them. In most colleges, they talk too much about creativity like it is in the past instead of actively creating things (whether it is the written word or a physical thing).
Also I am inspired by people who keep creating in their free time and who are always expressing and trying out new things.
At Oxford, there is an environment conducive to learning. The grounds are hallowed in a way. It's meditative and helpful to learn anything in depth. I love that!
It seems to me that many schools kill creativity. They do however teach you to be disciplined and set up a good schedule to achieve things, which are important skills. You also meet fantastic people from all walks of life and it can satisfy your curiosity in things.
I love the buildings and the spaces - some are so epic! I love many people I've met and being among peers - people actually your age - which is not as common once you leave. Most of all though, I love being part of a community that loves to learn. In the workplace, that is not as common although today we are finally seeing companies that are worth your time. I hope I am building a company like that. I hope it will be worth your time. : D
I am very glad I went to school in Prague for that quick immersion and my time at Oxford. I have had a lot of terrific experiences I am glad for and I also met my best friend at Emory twenty years ago! There is a lot to be thankful for and happy about. : D
I like to imagine scenarios though. If I was to go to school today at 16 again, I would go for physics, design and music. There's enough substance. That's the stuff you can test out in a lab and I could go so much deeper than what I had done in high school and earlier. I'd probably play in a band too on the weekends. : ) I would still be designing and drawing as I love and excel in that but just like writing a book, design is something you do and you get better at by doing. It is very actively tied to creating works.
So now I am doing that and there is great happiness I feel in reconnecting to things I loved before. The thing about learning on your own is that you can go a lot faster. Everything you need is basically in a book. The rest you experiment and create!
Now I feel I can connect ALL the dots and actively do the best. Selected cuts from prior experience that was great and worth repeating - from film to design, writing a book and inventing using my physics knowledge. It is all possible. You just have to plan it out and make it happen. :) Anything is possible.
There's still a lot I wish to learn! I love to learn and want to learn every day till I pass away. It is a wonderful thing of life. When I was a kid, all the interesting adults I met had led such fascinating lives - such variety and depth! They still loved to learn every day. I get that. I am the same way and now I see that so clearly as I actively seek out learning experiences.
One thing I love is flying. I have taken some flying lessons on and off since 2003. I would love to get my pilot's license. Some practical things too. I might not ever be a vet but I do think I can run and sponsor an animal clinic and even have one set up on my property. Lots to be done! It's great being an adult - make your dreams come alive!